About Us

Felti's Creations

Is a one-woman small business created in 2019 by selling handmade plushies inspired by video games that we enjoy and cherish very much. We have slowly expanded by including art goods such as stationery and acrylic charms designed by yours truly. Each of our products are handmade by the owner.

Meet the Maker

Hi my name is Jay and I am the owner and creator of Felti's Creations. I graduated High school with a vocational certificate in Sewing where I found my passion and love for the art. After graduating, I felt like I was distancing myself from sewing so I decided to maintain my skills by cosplaying, which permitted me to test & practice my sewing skills. After cosplaying for years, I began to feel burnt out and found myself lost on the uncertainty of what to do with sewing. Thanks to the support of my partner, I came to the conclusion that I should try open up a shop starting with sewing goods such as plushies & keychains. I hope to expand my catalog, offering my art goods alongside with my sewn goods in hopes of creating new products that people will enjoy!