Thank you so much & Order Updates

Hello! Would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported us during our website launch this passed Friday! I have spend quite a bit doing my very best to make it cute but also informative and easy to navigate for y'all. We appreciate all of the love and the feedback provided and we will take it into account asap! 


With that being said, I have made some changes to the page to facilitate the shipping process. We increased our Plushies prices by 1$, this is to cover the shipping expense. As the way that we set up the shipping caused the shipping costs to be way above than the usual cost. Since then, we have fixed the issue and we are monitoring the orders to ensure that it calculates shipping adequately. We will be refunding shipping over charges once we package and ship your order!


Next up, there will be a small delay on keychain orders due to lack of supplies. We have ordered supplies the week prior to the website launch anticipating the potential orders but it didn't ship before the launch. As I am writing this, my supplies has shipped and we expect it to arrive by late this week to early next week. Keychains will get worked on as soon as the supplies arrive (hoping to start on Monday)


For the time being we will be working with sticker orders and plush orders that does not need embroidery. We appreciate your patience and support! As usual we will keep y'all posted in our social medias with updates. Our shipping days are Fridays, if by any chance we don't ship on Fridays then it'll be shipped on Wednesday!


Thank you so much always for all of the support and patience! Stay Safe!



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